Wednesday, May 14, 2008

About Time.

somebody finally got the answer.great effort.for those who are to lazy to look for themselves, the answer is a polar bear because the only place with an all southern view is the northpole.
if you still dont understand you are either stupid, have bad schooling or have a bad sense of direction.i will post some real stuff some other time. for now i leave you with a quest. to find the answer to this new riddle. there is a man driving a black car on a black road in a city painted black, his headlights are broken and there is a black dog in the middle of the street but he sees the dog in time to move out of the way. how?????
i got this one right away. leave your answer on that comment thingy.

The Answer

hi buddies. the answer to the riddle is white. and i will not tell you why, just yet. hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Friday, May 9, 2008

government with the gangs?

sorry i haven't typed for a while but i've been busy with stuff(TV). on another note thanx for the apology palabra91 but i enjoy a good non-violent fight, so if anyone is ticked with me, please comment. on to today's topic.the "scandal"in the parliament house.the man(minister maxime bernier) who had supposedly done a horrible thing and endangered the security of his people. i say bull. the story goes that the minister dated someone who dated and was married to someone who was in the hells angles biker gang. i'm guessing that the little weasels who tattled on him probably had a previous disagreement with him and found one of the few things that he's done that they haven't done that could possibly get him fired. who cares who dated whom. i say we are all nosey little gossip rats who cant find anything better to do with our time. they aren't even dating any more so what harm is there with someone who dated someone who dated someone.
some girl has spoken.
i will end with a riddle. if you are seated on a rocking chair in an all southern view house and suddenly a bear walks by the window. what colour is the bear, and why?

Thursday, May 1, 2008

cant make me

i've had a comment from a buddy of mine and have decided to keep her sheltered life safe.jk. ass will now be refered to as shark eyes,as his eyes are like a sharks. please forgive any of my spelling mistakes. i just dont kare. the answer to that question before is the werewolf. because they can only be harmed by silver. if the robot has silver weapons then it would win. that is all
all my love
some girl.

what im about

hi,thanx for reading my blog.since you are addicted to me, bring me an ice cream.i'm a random person and will be random through out my write ups until something happens on the news or somewhere in my life which ticks me off.this will happen often. george bush is an ass and will be known as such in my offence,'ll have noticed that don't use capitals. they bug me.i am looking at a guide microsoft office xp professional and my buddy told me to say that she sounds like an old man/child/elf when she is tired. see, i'm random. why is the army in iraq? pride. the ass is acting like a child who wants a candy cane an his mommy to kiss his bumps and bruises. without his followers he would be a helpless little cave man who had lost his club trying to grab a slice of one of those long neck dinosaurs.i'm surprised he hasn't been taken from power by a newly created revolution.oh well. there is not much i can do about it at this thumb looks shiny right now.who would win in a battle,a werewolf or a robot from the future with lasers and canons,etc. find out next time on addictiontome.billy talent rox!!!!!!!!!

all my love
some girl.